Grow organic & regenerate your soils with DCT

Healthy Soils = Healthy Plants

what makes DCT products so special for regenerative or organic farming? Let us tell you why!

Firstly, DCT products can increase the nutrient uptake of your plants. They act as chelators, which means they bind to nutrients and make them more available to your crops. This can lead to healthier, more robust plants, and a greater yield at harvest time.

Secondly, DCT products can improve soil structure. They help to bind soil particles together, which can increase water-holding capacity and reduce erosion. This can lead to healthier soil, a reduced need for irrigation, and fewer soil-borne diseases.

Finally, DCT products can help to reduce the effects of climate change. By improving soil health, you can store more carbon in the soil, which can help to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Overall, DCT products are a natural and effective way to improve soil health, increase crop yields, and reduce the effects of climate change. So, if you're looking for a way to take your regenerative or organic farming to the next level,

give DCT products a try!.


Liquid Humate, Humic and fulvic.

Soil energiser


Apply Lazerhume to your compost pile or to applications of compost, Lazerhume will help the beneficial Microbiology to flourish, it will help with CO2 loss and it will help to reduce the harm caused by possible contaminates in the compost

Seaweed Plus

Seaweed with a difference, combined in balance with liquid humate humic and fulvic to enhance the effectiveness of the seaweed.

Over 6 months with treatment of our unique product we saw an increase in organic matter in the soil, From 3.2 to 7.8

an increase of 143.75%

Any questions dont hesitate to get in contact we would love to hear from you.