"Animal Boost"
The revolutionary supplement that's set to transform your animals' health and productivity!
Available to order direct or through Farmlands
Unveiled after years of meticulous research and development, "Animal Boost" is a powerful blend of Humic and Fulvic acids, designed to support the well-being of your livestock in ways you've only dreamed of.
Imagine a single supplement that can:
Improve digestion
Enhance nutrient absorption
Bolster the immune system of your animals.
With "Animal Boost," this dream becomes a reality.
Crafted from the finest natural sources, "Animal Boost" is the key to unlocking the full potential of your farm animals.
Whether you're raising cattle, sheep, pigs, or poultry, our supplement ensures that your animals are getting the essential minerals and electrolytes they need for optimal health.
The Humic and Fulvic in "Animal Boost" work synergistically in the digestive system, leading to improved feed efficiency and growth rates. This means healthier animals and, ultimately, increased profitability for you.
But "Animal Boost" isn't just about immediate gains. It's about investing in the long-term health and productivity of your farm.
By integrating this supplement into your animals' diet, you're laying the foundation for a robust, resilient herd that can withstand the challenges of modern farming.
Imagine fewer vet visits, lower medication costs, and animals that thrive, season after season.
Make the choice today to elevate your farm's performance with "Animal Boost." Experience the difference of healthier, happier animals and watch as your farm flourishes like never before.
Animal Boost is regestered with Bio Gro, New Zealand’s leading organic certifier
& Has undergone a class determination with MPI.
Also available in 1000 litre totes/ibc
Made in New Zealand
using only the best available ingredients
Contains Liquid extracted Humate, Humic & Fulvic.
Unique NZ designed manufacturing system.
Animal Boost
an all natural animal nutritional supplement.
Humic & Fulvic
Research into humic and fulvic acids have found them to be very beneficial, if not vital for human, animal, plant and soil health
Humic and fulvic acids are naturally part of the food chain but due to modern farming practices and soil degradation they have diminished from our soils and food.
Animal Boost Quality
Balanced by nature to provide the optimal balance of humic and fulvic.
Registered with Bio Gro, New Zealand’s leading organic certifier.
Undergoes independent testing.
Animal boost is made using our own designed system and is unique within the market, we use only the best available ingredients, using humates that are naturally high in humic and fulvic.
overseas studies have shown some benefits to Supplementing with Humic and fulvic acid.
(1) Humic acids stabilises the intestinal flora and thus ensures an improved utilization of nutrients in animal feed this can lead to a weight increase in live animals without increasing the amount of feed given to the animal (Humin tech, 2004).
(2) Dr. Charles S. Hansen, D.V.M. Tested a blend of humic and fulvic acid as a feed additive from the early 1960’s through 1967 on an experimental basis. The results of this supplement feeding and treatment on dairy cows included:
After 2 months of supplement no bacterial or viral infections
Herd (over 300) after 3 months on supplement increased butterfat production of 15%
Herd on supplement cut back on high protein rations with no decrease in production
All cows on supplement experienced more complete digestion
(3) Texas A & M university system researchers have discovered that by using humates volatile ammonia decreases in animal waste by 64%, thus reducing odour and improving the nitrogen to phosphorus ration in the waste. (Parker et al; 2001)
(4) Literature has indicated that red blood cells (RBC) are capable of carrying more oxygen in presence of humates, during the first few days of taking humates, cows have been observed to be quieter.
(5) Reports are humates feed reduces the production of stress causing hormones, this has been cumulated from animal behaviour, this effect has also been noted on sheep, horses, cattle and pigs.
6) In dairy situations animals not on humates aggressively eat their rations while humates fed animal’s graze leisurely. (enviromate 2002).
(7) Heifer calves born from cows that had been fed humates had a weight gain of 13.4% within four months compared to control.
Bull calves that had been fed with humates had gained 21.2% more body weight over four months than the control. (TeraVita, 2004).
(8) HA is said to improve protein digestion as well as calcium and trace element utilization.
The HA also leads to increased milk production and increased butterfat percentage in dairy cows, improved feed efficiency, decreased feed costs, reduced fly population and reduced costs for insect control.
The weaning weights increased and faster weight gains were observed, while problems with scours greatly decreased (Livestock R. Us, 2003).
Animal Boost Equine
Adds to overall health and wellness, this natural product works to boost gut biology while also increasing nutrient uptake and feed utilisation, assisting in optimum digestion, this healthy gut flora is key to overall wellness because it supports immunity and improved digestion.
Contains many naturally bioavailable nutrients that are easy for the horse's digestive system to recognize and absorb reducing mineral deficiencies and imbalances.
Works to increase the efficiently of all nutrition that enters your horse including supplements, mineral licks, dry feed and pasture.
Can boost energy and reduce fatigue. Race horse trainers and those involved in competitive equine events often indicate an energy boost and better performance.
Healthy skin.
Shiny coat.
Strong hoof integrity.
Enhanced immune system.
Assists in optimum digestion.
Reduced production of stress causing hormones.
Increased calming temperament.
Can neutralise contaminants and aid in their excretion.

Made In Nelson
New Zealand
DCT products are manufactured in Nelson, New Zealand, We take great care to use the highest quality ingredients available in all our products and our unique manufacturing processes have been designed to further add to that quality.