Making NZ Dairy attractive for Global food producers.

Combatting Soil Compaction for a Fertile Future

Cosmic Crops: Bringing Earth Agriculture to Martian Landscapes

Restoration of Soil Damaged by Pine Forests
How DCT products can help to repair soil damaged by pine forest’s.

Lazerhume, A natural option for Arsenic remediation
Lazerhume, a product developed by DCT, is a revolutionary solution for cleaning up soil contaminated with arsenic. The product contains humic and fulvic acid, which are known to have the ability to bind with heavy metals and remove them from soil.

Improving the utilisation of nitrogen
Using organic compounds that have been shown to increase the uptake of nitrogen by crops and reduce nitrogen leaching into the soil, to improve crop yields while also reducing the impact on the environment.

Reducing Methane from Cows
Animal Boost is a natural supplement that contains humic and fulvic acid, which may help reduce methane production in cows.

Improving Herbicides
DCT Weed Spray Enhance: Improving Herbicide Efficiency and Reducing Environmental Impact .
DCT Weed Spray Enhance is specially formulated to improve the absorption and translocation of herbicides in plant tissues, which can lead to more effective weed control. Additionally, this product helps to minimise the harmful environmental impact of herbicide runoff and leaching.