Dairy Farming
How DCT can help you achieve your goals
Introducing an innovative solution to enhance the productivity and health of your dairy farm
DCT’s powerful product is engineered to revolutionise the way you nurture your land and livestock, offering a myriad of benefits that make it an indispensable asset for any dairy farmer aiming for success.
Our unique products work wonders for soil health. The compounds in our products improve soil structure, increase water retention, and enhance nutrient uptake by plants. This means your forage crops will be more nutritious, robust, and abundant, providing your dairy cattle with the best possible feed. Healthier crops lead to healthier cows, which in turn leads to higher milk production and quality. It's a simple equation: better soil equals better feed, equals better milk.
The efficiency of nitrogen use is significantly boosted.
This can reduce the amount of synthetic fertilisers, cutting down costs and minimising environmental impact. The nitrogen in urea, when stabilised by the compounds in our products, become more readily available to plants over a longer period, promoting sustained growth without the risk of leaching or volatilisation. This not only ensures that your dairy farm operates more sustainable but also improves your bottom line by optimising fertiliser usage.
Our liquid solution is a game-changer for dairy farms.
Improves soil health.
Enhances crop yield and quality.
Improves animal health, Reducing vet bills.
Boost’s milk production.
Reduces fertiliser costs.
Contributes to environmental sustainability.
Embrace this innovative approach to farming and watch your dairy operation thrive like never before.
Milk Solids
Enhance milk solid production in dairy farming. Our products can improve soil structure, nutrient retention, and microbial activity, boosting plant nutrient uptake. This leads to better forage quality, resulting in a more nutritious diet for cows and increased milk solid production, benefiting both cows and farmers.
Compaction & Soil Structure
Enhance the soil structure by improving aggregation, water infiltration, and retention. Boost soil's cation exchange capacity, preventing nutrient leaching and enhancing fertility.
Stimulate microbial activity, aiding in organic matter breakdown, nutrient release, and improved soil health.
Animal Health
Improves soil health, increases nutrient availability, and enhances microbial activity. This leads to better plant nutrient uptake, resulting in higher quality forage for dairy cows. Improved soil health benefits dairy cows by providing essential nutrients, boosting immunity, and enhancing milk quality. can reduce the risk of nutrient deficiencies in cows, leading to better health and productivity
Erosion and runoff
Reduce erosion and dairy runoff on farms. Improve soil structure, reducing erosion risk by increasing soil aggregation. Aiding in nutrient uptake for plants, leading to healthier plants with stronger root systems that further prevent erosion. Enhanced nutrient availability also boosts plant growth and productivity, potentially reducing the need for excessive fertilisation.
Grass Grub & Porina
Stimulate beneficial microorganisms that naturally suppress grass grub and porina populations. These substances also enhance soil moisture and nutrient retention, creating an unfavorable environment for pests. Incorporating them into soil management practices can control these pests by promoting a healthier soil ecosystem.
Bind to ammonium, preventing volatilization, and form stable complexes, reducing leaching. Retaining nitrogen within the root zone for a longer period, making it more available to plants.
This promotes efficient nitrogen use in agriculture, enhances soil fertility, and supports sustainable farming practices.
Free Nitrogen
Can chelate micronutrients like iron, zinc, and copper, which are essential for the activity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil. By ensuring the availability of these micronutrients, the growth and activity of these beneficial bacteria are enhanced, leading to increased nitrogen fixation in the soil.
By enhancing soil structure, nutrient availability, and microbial activity. Promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms that convert organic matter into stable carbon forms, trapping carbon in the soil. Also bind to carbon molecules, enhancing carbon storage. This process helps mitigate climate change by capturing and storing carbon dioxide, reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Real results for New Zealand Farms
Improving grass quality leads to healthier animals and greater production.
Better performing soils will be reflected in pasture uptake of nutrients & minerals which are beneficial to animal health and production . Example in these 2 tests is the increase in Magnesium , Zinc , Copper and Selenium levels .
Also improved Dietary Cation Anion Difference (DCAD) balance which can be beneficial for production .
Better clover.
Before: Average % clover over 10 paddocks was 10% (Range 5%-15%)
One year later: Average % clover over the same paddocks had increased to 17% (Range 8-25%)
This increase in clover is the equivalent of approximately 49 units of extra N per hectare or 106 kg of Urea.
Benefits of an Improved Soil Structure.
•The improved soil structure lets air into the soils where bacteria on clover roots plus other bacteria can fix nitrogen which can then be made plant available by Soil Biology.
• The open structure can help drainage and support microbial life to build a working soil which helps to support root growth and quality plant growth.
Improvement in Root Depth.
Early assessment found poor root structure with compacted soils and roots growing sideways creating thatch Average root depth over 10 paddocks was approx 62mm
One Year Later we see the roots growing downward. with the average root depth of 105mm an increase of 43mm
Average root depth increased by over 51%
plant can source more nutrients.
With a better root structure the plant can source more nutrients and replace soil carbon which in turn feed the microbes which convert minerals to be used by the plant.
Carbon helps with water retention in dry periods.
The larger root structure can capture leaching nutrients like nitrate.
This increase in root depth means that the plant has a lot more access to nutrient.
Better utilisation = more income per hec.
Utilisation / Conversion of pastures.
Before: Cows are producing 297 Milk solids off the grass.
After: One Season Later the utilisation has increased to 312 Milk Solids off the same amount of grass.
Increased by over 4.9% in One Season
Results across 3 farms.
•Soil structure scores lifted from an average of 10 up to 24
•Root depth and density improved. Some depths to over 250mm
•Grass utilisation improved by approximately 5%
meaning that the grass eaten by the cows was converted into energy 5% better.
•If growing 16,000 kg Dry Matter per hectare * 5% increase in utilisation = approximately $800 extra income from extra milk solids or reduced purchase of feed inputs.
•Nitrogen input reduced by approximately 100 units per hectare.
Reduction in Grass grub.
Before application there were large numbers of grass grub.
Over the course of treatment we found that the population of grass grub reduced until all that was left were dead calcified grubs.
Increased Organic Matter.
Over 6 months
With treatment of our unique product we saw an increase in organic matter in the soil from:
3.2 to 7.8
an increase of

Our recommended products for your dairy farm.
"Optimise iO" is a Nitrogen-free product that enables you to mix in urea yourself to tailor and adjust the urea content according to your needs
"Restore" is our premium gold-level product, enriched with more beneficial compounds.
"Turbo N" represents our top-tier silver-level product.
Get in touch now and let's get started!
We are here to assist you on your dairy farming journey, whether it's by providing free soil guidance and fertiliser planning or offering a complimentary quote with no obligations. We are here to support you every step of the way.