Weed Spray Enhance 20 Litre


When added to Herbicide, Weed Spray Enhance increases efficiency and can speed up delivery of the herbicide, This is due to the small molecule size of some of the active ingredients in the product which binds with the herbicide and enables it to enter through the stomata of the leaf.

Weed Spray Enhance increases and aids the transportation of the chemical weed spray into the weed and can suppress re-growth up to twice as long as weed spray alone, which can result in an improvement in uptake from about 30%, effectively meaning that you can reduce the input of weed killer by the same amount.

When the mix reaches the soil, the micro-biology including the bacteria responsible for its breakdown are drawn to it as a food source providing an increased biodegradability.

This detoxifying quality not only works with the weed spray added to Weed Spray Enhance, but it continues to bind with most organic and inorganic pollutants and toxic residues that have built up in the soil over time, providing a faster and more efficient biodegradability in soils or moving the toxins out of the soil profile.

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